The Story of Liftree
Seven years of research, experimentation, professional experience and interactions with schools, university programs, corporate training staff and education consultants health infotech have culminated in the formation of an accessible, replicable and actionable model for rapid curriculum development.
Value-Based Learning Model
Create considerate and inclusive communities. Instead of “selling” products, we build relationships. At Liftree, we are guardians of sacred spaces where people can safely let their vulnerabilities come out to play. We are facilitators of curated experiences.

We want to facilitate growth through stark, honest conversations. We will not pretend to have magical answers for human problems. We work through issues by using the learner’s own reality as a unique frame of reference.

The child-like joy of discovery is central to every learning activity so that the learner to fully engage and benefit from the experience. The teachinglearning process goes both ways to co-create a new understanding of the world around us. Just as the learner discovers new ideas, so does the teacher.

To empower is not to “give” power, but to bring the learner back to a place where they realise that they already have the power and to encourage them to seize it! Liftree is built on a foundation of empowerment which underlies every communication we undertake.

Ushma Naik, MScN
Instructional Design & Capacity Building | Emotional Resilience & Community Health
These experiences in education, psychology and healthcare helped me transition to marketing and offshore services in India where I continue to work in content architecture, instructional design and remote team training & management. The offshore teams I train have solved branding, training, company culture and administrative problems to penetrate & capture dynamic markets.

Pooja Naik, BScN, BSc. (Hon)
Workflow Optimization & Gap Analysis | Change Management & End User Adoption
Since this has been in the works, I have jumped in and learnt many skills including website development, video editing, content creation, writing, workshop and course design. Currently I work for Sick Kids Hospital For Children in Toronto, and I spend much of my after hours time researching and developing innovative ways of sharing information and improving adoption among learners

Educator & Creative Lead
Instructional Design & Capacity Building | Emotional Resilience & Community Health

Working in the community with addiction & mental health shaped much of my early humanistic approach. For my Masters’ thesis, I had the opportunity to work with a pioneering e-learning team at University Health Network and Toronto East General Hospital. This healthcare curriculum was rolled out across hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area in 2012.
These experiences in education, psychology and healthcare helped me transition to marketing and offshore services in India where I continue to work in content architecture, instructional design and remote team training & management. The offshore teams I train have solved branding, training, company culture and administrative problems to penetrate & capture dynamic markets.

Educator & Analyst
Workflow Optimization & Gap Analysis | Change Management & End User Adoption

From molecular biology research, to working in ambulatory primary care clinics, then pursuing nursing education, and now working in health informatics – health and wellness has always been at the forefront. Somewhere in between all that, many iterations of an easily accessible platform for health education took form.
Since this has been in the works, I have jumped in and learnt many skills including website development, video editing, content creation, writing, workshop and course design. Currently I work for Sick Kids Hospital For Children in Toronto, and I spend much of my after hours time researching and developing innovative ways of sharing information and improving adoption among learners.
We took to the streets to
speak with healthcare
providers and educators about
the need for value based
education. this is what they
had to say!

Liftree Weekly